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1952 Cushman Eagle For Sale in Macedonia, OH

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1952 Eagle Image
Harwood Motors
Call: 440-565-5335
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Stock # 121110
Estimated Monthly Payment
$137 mo Apply Now
J.J. Best Banc & Co.

1952 Cushman Eagle


Beautiful restoration in great colors. Everything is new. Powerful "Husky" engine with 2-speed manual transmission and suicide shift. Lighting kit with headlight and taillight. Surely one of the best Cushman Eagles available anywhere!

Cushman was a purveyor of all kinds of small, quirky machines designed for practical transportation. But among them, few offer the mainstream appeal of the Eagle scooter. With a more powerful engine and a 2-speed transmission, it was able to keep up with 1950s-era traffic around town and provided economical transportation at an affordable price. Today that remains true, and this very pretty 1952 Cushman Eagle is one of the best youll find anywhere. With a comprehensive restoration by a guy who knows these little cycles inside and out, its highly detailed throughout. The bright fire engine red paint is as nice as some of the show cars weve seen and while these little motorcycles were built down to a price, it doesnt look like anyone was cutting corners during the restoration. Finish quality is excellent and all the brilliant little details stand out, from the reproduction "Cushman Eagle" decals on the gas tank to the bright chrome trim to the awesome embossed folding step plates. Details matter and someone took their time to get them right.

The engine is an air-cooled 318 cc single cylinder that Cushman called the "Husky." This was an in-house engine, not something purchased from a third party, meaning that it works exactly like it should. With a chrome engine shield, it looks well-dressed and with fully rebuilt internals, it runs like it should. Youll note a correct mesh air cleaner, proper finned manifolds, and a shiny chrome exhaust pipe that gives it a energetic exhaust note, all of which are part of the Eagles charm. Theres a two-speed manual transmission with a shifter up by the gas tank (often called a "suicide" shifter) and it gives the Eagle a top speed of more than 50 MPH. The coil sprung front suspension works with the springs on the seat to make for a surprisingly cushy ride and the brakes are reasonably effective for the cycles modest performance. Flashy 4.75x7.75 wide whitewalls are the perfect 50s touch.

Proudly made in Lincoln, Nebraska, this cool little Cushman Eagle is a lot of fun to zip around town and beautiful enough to be displayed with pride in your garage. Call today!

Price: $7,900.
Stock # 121110
VIN 080684
Estimated Monthly Payment
$137 mo Apply Now
J.J. Best Banc & Co.
Harwood Motors
Call: 440-565-5335
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Offered for sale by
Harwood Motors
Call 440-565-5335
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Price: $7,900.
Offered for sale by
Harwood Motors
Call 440-565-5335
Mention when you call.

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