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1938 GMC BUS Sold Through AutaBuy!

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9-26-2020! SORRY BUT WE JUST SOLD THIS BUS. THIS 1938 GMC Bus Would Bring Crowds To Your Window! Neat Vintage Bus. PRICE DRASTICALLY REDUCED TO ONLY $4,000. 1938 GMC Bus AND IT HAS A CLEAR TITLE TOO!. This is a VERY RARE bus and is a short wheel base (14 foot wheel base), and measures 23 feet bumper to bumper. It is close to 8 feet 6 inches tall. Has the original GMC 6 cylinder engine, and 4 speed transmission. It ran great the last time we drove it, which was about 15 years ago. I am sure it would not take too much to get it up and running. It does not have the seats, but was semi converted to a camper. Still has the original drivers seat, door still opens. As you can see this RARE bus will need to be restored, needs glass, all flat glass, and needs tires. This bus is pretty much Rust Free, and the body is really clean. NOT A RUSTY BUS AT ALL! Has a few small dings and dents here and there. Nice straight bumpers and grill. The front sheet metal and rear sheet metal are nice. The headlights are really neat, look like they have eyebrows. The one headlight glass you do not see is inside the bus. We are offering you a piece of Automotive History. NOW PRICED AT ONLY $4,000 AND WE DO HAVE A CLEAR CLEAN TITLE FOR THIS BUS. We can help you with shipping arrangements too. THIS BUS IS LOCATED IN RAPID CITY SOUTH DAKOTA. CALL BILL AT THE Motion Unlimited Museum 605-348-7373. Thank you!

AutaBuy sold this car to a buyer in South Dakota.

Great family bought this bus and are going to turn it into their custom RV. Can't wait to see it done!

Call Motion Unlimited Museum
605-348-7373.  RAPID CITY, SD.

Motion Unlimited Museum
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