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1935 Greyhound BUS Depot Running Motion Porcelain 1935 Greyhound BUS Depot Running Motion Porcelain Neon Sign For Sale in St. Louis, MO

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1935 Depot Running Motion Porcelain Image
Stock # 57009344
Estimated Monthly Payment
$2,956 mo Apply Now
J.J. Best Banc & Co.

1935 Greyhound BUS Depot Running Motion Porcelain 1935 Greyhound BUS Depot Running Motion Porcelain Neon Sign


Offered here is a very rare and unique double-sided Greyhound Bus Depot porcelain sign with a running motion greyhound neon. It was exclusively created by the Kolux Sign Company of Kokomo, Indiana in approximately 1935 for use at the Winchester, Kentucky Greyhound Bus Depot. It is believed to be the only one in existence and survives in incredible condition! The main box housing retains an excellent porcelain finish along with the original Kolux manufacturing tag still attached. Even the original wrought iron hangers are included.

This very special double-side neon was sourced from a 91-year-old former Greyhound employee that had worked at the Winchester Greyhound Depot beginning in approximately 1949 since the age of 18 years old. He would later purchase the building and its contents in the 1990's, long after the depot had been relocated. Curated inside was this perfectly protected neon box, with only a small silhouette of the original neon tube of the original greyhound still intact. As-found pictures are included with the sale.

It would be delivered to neon specialist, David Hutson, of Neon Time in St Charles, Missouri to be expertly restored with exacting reproduction blue neon tubes for the dog silhouettes and red tubing for the GREYHOUND letters on both sides, along with new transformers. Now back to its original glory with the greyhound proudly sprinting in animated motion! A marvelous double-sided neon you will not find on the market again, especially in this stunning condition!

Size: 48" wide x 32" tall x 15" deep

We've referenced another one-sided, running greyhound neon that sold through auction just one year ago that achieved $149,500. ( Make no mistake that these bus depot signs are a terrific piece of our travel/automotive past. This one sets a new bar as an incredible marketing and advertising piece for any prominent collection! Buyer is responsible for all costs associated to setting up their own shipping and handling.

Price: $169,900.
Stock # 57009344
Estimated Monthly Payment
$2,956 mo Apply Now
J.J. Best Banc & Co.
St. Louis Car Museum and Sales
Call: 314-993-7104
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St. Louis Car Museum and Sales
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Price: $169,900.
Offered for sale by
St. Louis Car Museum and Sales
Call 314-993-7104
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St. Louis Car Museum and Sales
Call: 314-993-7104
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