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1925 Cadillac Type V-63 For Sale in Astoria, NY

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1925 Type V-63 Image
Gullwing Motor Cars
Call: 718-545-0500
Contact Seller: I would like to:
Mileage 0
Exterior Color Green
Stock # 25370
Estimated Monthly Payment
$513 mo Apply Now
J.J. Best Banc & Co.

1925 Cadillac Type V-63


1925 Cadillac Type V-63 Phaeton

This 1925 V-63 Phaeton is a rarely-seen model that's been off the road since 1984 patiently awaiting a straightforward restoration. Green with black interior, soft-top, and complete all-weather gear. Not currently running as it has been parked in storage for some time. Complete, solid, and intact with good panel and door fitment. Cadillac introduced the new V-63 in 1924, ushering in a host of refinements to the already superlative engine and chassis. Central to the V-63 was its 90-degree, 314.5 cubic-inch V-8, now updated with an ingenious counter-balanced, crossplane crankshaft. This revolutionary new design allowed for a significantly lighter flywheel and afforded the V-63 exceptional refinement. Such was its smooth and quiet nature that even Rolls-Royce of America took notice, the firm?s chief engineer stating that the quartered-crank V8 would make obsolete all long crankshaft engines." The V-63 is a significant model in Cadillac?s rich history, as well as with the development of the V8 engine as a whole. The Type V-63 was a technical marvel of America?s golden age of motoring, and was a tremendous success for Cadillac. Very few of these beautiful and imposing Cadillacs survive today and you likely won't find a more honest example to restore than this one.

  • Rarely Seen Type V-63 Phaeton
  • Off the Road Since 1984, Ideal for Straightforward Restoration
  • Stylish, Technologically Advanced Cadillac V-63 with Sophisticated V-8
  • Elegant Phaeton Bodywork, Four-Wheel Brakes
  • Technical Marvel of America?s Golden Age of Motoring
Org Price: $34,500
Discounted Price: $29,500

· Mileage: 0
· Color: Green
Price: $29,500.
Mileage 0
Exterior Color Green
Stock # 25370
VIN 25370
Estimated Monthly Payment
$513 mo Apply Now
J.J. Best Banc & Co.
Gullwing Motor Cars
Call: 718-545-0500
Contact Seller: I would like to:
Offered for sale by
Gullwing Motor Cars
Call 718-545-0500
Mention when you call.

Price: $29,500.
Offered for sale by
Gullwing Motor Cars
Call 718-545-0500
Mention when you call.

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