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1940 Ford 2 DR Sedan For Sale in Milford, CT

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1940 2 DR Sedan Image
Auto Archeologist
Call: 860-398-1732
Contact Seller: I would like to:
Mileage 40,000
Exterior Color Green/Primer
Interior Color TAN
Doors 2 Dr
Engine Hybrid
Transmission 3 Speed Manual

1940 Ford 2 DR Sedan


This 1940 Ford 2 door Sedan was originally a Tennessee shine runner.
In 1957 "Fats" rolled into Willy's garage in Bridgeport, CT and needed some work done on his car. Willy noticed a large steel tank in the back seat with hoses/vents and a large pipe with ball valve. Willy wasn't sure if he should ask. He did the necessary work and Fats went off. A couple days later he was back and ended up selling the car to Willy. Yes, Fats was a Tennessee moonshiner and was working up here for United Utilities and was notified that he needed to find more suitable transportation. Fats bought a 48 Cadillac. A few months later, Fats was going to be headed back to Tenn for a bit and wanted to take the Ford back home, so he purchased the Ford BACK from Willy. Before he did though, his Caddy ended up needing some transmission work and in trade for the work, gave the Ford back to Willy. Willy, being a Chevy guy, promptly pulled the Ford flat head and in 1959 dropped in a Chevy V8 small block. At some point in the last 60 years the SBC was pulled and was never replaced. The interior is still mostly there and overall, I've seen a lot worse in newer cars. With some cleaning the interior could be passable.

The body is very solid and is all steel. The under-carriage has heavy, scaled surface rust but no rot.

There is a transmission that goes with the car, we're not sure if it's the original or one he sourced when searching for parts. There are two big block Chevy engines nearby so maybe that was part of his plan?

I feel she's too solid to part out, we're hoping that someone will want to get her back to her former glory or at least build a nice hot rod out of her.

She's got good bones.

The widow has asked that we list her at $4500.

Any questions, for many more photos, to schedule a time to see her or to make an offer, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Thanks for the interest.

Any questions, for many more photos, to schedule a time to see her or to make an offer, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Thanks for the interest.

· Mileage: 40,000
· Color: Green/Primer
Price: $6,500.
Price: $4,500.
Mileage 40,000
Exterior Color Green/Primer
Interior Color TAN
Doors 2 Dr
Engine Hybrid
Transmission 3 Speed Manual
Auto Archeologist
Call: 860-398-1732
Contact Seller: I would like to:
Offered for sale by
Auto Archeologist
Call 860-398-1732
Mention when you call.

Price: $6,500.
Price: $4,500.
Offered for sale by
Auto Archeologist
Call 860-398-1732
Mention when you call.

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